What? You mean to say that you've grown weary of the scenery here in the pits of the Nine Hells? Not a problem, my precious customer! For I have several friends across the planes whom you can visit. There, you can uncover many many more items to satiate your need for custom objects.

Be warned, however, that if you are searching for artifacts of the planes, you are at one of the few locations where such objects can be found. My associates deal in items from the Prime plane of Toril, mostly.

Without further delay, my associates!

Ajoc's Infinity Edit
This page was the first to post my initial Torment items, the ring of wizardry and the chromatic wand. Thus, I feel that I owe it to him to put his site first on my list of links. Everybody who likes the items I produce ought to go visit this site, the one that held them first.

Arundor's Abode
THis is one of the BIG sites in Infinity Customization. Few can rival it's scope. At the time that I added this link, it had 728(!!!) custom items, spells, creatures, and scripts available for download. By this time, it's probably grown beyond that.

Potencius Net
The website of my associate, Potencius. Let me say firstly that this guy is a scripting genius. He got me started with scripts by solving my stupid problem with the scriptor program. Check out his site. It's got some great stuff and you won't be sorry. (even if he DOESN'T do Planescape stuff. ;)