
      Hello and welcome to Giggling Gelugon Studios. This site is managed by the most... well... errr... *amusing* of the Baatorian spawn. Giggling Gelugon Studios is a site devoted to providing you with only the most finely crafted custom artifacts, spells, creatures and so on for the exceedingly popular Infinity Engine games:

     Primarily, of course, I will be concerning myself with the last of these games, for three reasons:

  1. Torment is the most neglected of the Infinity games in terms of customization, largely because it is slightly more difficult to add items to, since the console has not been enabled.
  2. From the viewpoint of one who is interested in a true roleplaying game, Torment is the best of the games created so far. (note that for those of you more interested in combat and whatnot, this is not the case)
  3. Torment is set in my favorite AD&D campaign setting, the Planescape multiverse. I have lots of custom-created items from PnP that I can attempt to recreate in the game, giving me a large source of new items.

You'll note that this site is not much to look at. I'm not an artist, and I don't know anybody who can provide me with visuals. Thus, I will limit my focus to creating quality items, not a quality site. This'll probably make it difficult for me to win the TeamBG customization site contest, but oh well. :)

All of the items and spells and creatures you will find on this site were made possible by the efforts of TeamBG. You can visit their site here, to learn about the team, and download excellent utilities for creating your own custom items. (Just be sure to submit your items to me, so I can post 'em here, heh heh heh :D)

So far, only the Tormet Section is up and running. We've got a few items there, and a customized spell pack is coming as soon as I can work a few bugs out of the system...

When you get bored of my site, or you download everything which I have (admittedly not much yet), please visit my LINKS section, and view the fine work of several of my colleagues in the field of Infinity Engine editting.

May 11, 2001 Ackkk! Forgive my apparent laziness. I have in truth been hard at work, but my plans have gotten exceedingly complicated. I'd planned on doing this all by myself, but it appears I cannot.

Here's the scoop, dudes (and dudettes). I've got a little gift package in the works for y'all. Ok, in truth, there's nothing little about it. It is Planescape: Bronze Reflections, and it will hopefully be the first expansion pack for the true giant among the Infinity Games, Planescape Torment. I've got a site up here, and once I can find my password (I lost it... ;)), all future updates will be posted there. I'm also creating an ezboard forum system for the purpose of keeping in touch with the audience. That's all for now.

April 7, 2001 Yikes! It's been so long! *ahem* My most sincere apologies to all. I was enjoying a nice snack of some holier-than-thou paladins and I completely lost track of the time. Big news of the moment: the BG2 section is up, with two swords and an enabling patch for Nahal's Reckless Dweomer. Many more coming for BG2 over the next week.
January 13, 2001 REALLY sorry, folks, I know it must look like I've deserted my post and whatnot, but I swear I've not. I'm hard at work on something that I think you'll all like a lot. Not telling what it is, yet. I will keep you posted as to the release time... and in the meantime, I've also thrown together a few little items in a package deal with a store file for Torment. Check them out!
LATER December 31, 2000 Where are my manners? I forgot to thank Mr. Mark Williams for cleaning up my Pillar of Skulls pic on the Torment page. I'd been meaning to do that, but I kept forgeting. Hats off to you, sir. Or, they would be, if I wore one. Also, I've put up a small text file in the Torment section, which allows users to fix one potential problem with installing Mr. Jinkles.
EARLY December 31, 2000 Gotta be the first of the partner sites to wish everyone a nice new millenium, starting tomorrow. Also, I've added a GREAT new item to the Torment section. He's Mr. Jinkles, the Portable Modron Merchant! Check him out!
December 30, 2000 Thanks to everyone who shouted at me before about the Ring of Stoning being down. Seems a certain demon forgot to upload the file in the first place *blushes*. The file is up now, though.
December 28, 2000 In the Torment section, there's a new ring called the Ring of Stoning. Check it out! Further more, I added a LINKS section, listing my favorite of the the other partner sites
December 27, 2000 In the Torment section, I added a nifty script which allows the Nameless One to change classes at will between thief, fighter and mage.

By the way, you are visitor number
to take the fall into the Domain of the Gelugon. An automatic e-mail message shall notify your next of kin. Have a nice day. :)

Oh, one more thing. please do sign my guestbook. Requests, comments, anything is welcome here. If you refuse to sign, at least read my guestbook